Thursday, April 4, 2013

Status of Income Inequality Around the World Compared to the United States.

The United states is number four on the top Top Ten Worst Income Inequality. The Countries are in this order:
  1. Chile
  2. Mexico
  3. Turkey
  4. United States
  5. Isreal
  6. Portugal
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Italy
  9. Austalia
  10. New Zealand

     As you can see from the picture the U.S is in the top four for the highest income inequality. Compared to Chile, Mexico and Turkey we are doing better but there are a lot more countries better off than us!

    What do you think? Does this seem like something that is accurate? Does this concern you?


  1. What do you think? I am concerned, but would love to know if you are?

    1. I am very concernced. The US is not only in the top ten but apart of the top five countries with the worst income gaps as well... that is a scary thing to thing about!
